We use Acupuncture to treat health problems. We insert fine needles into the skin that are manipulated manually.
Herbal & Functional Medicine
We use our Herbal medicine to treat disease and improve your overall health.
Cupping Therapy
We use Cupping therapy to treat pain, inflammation, relaxation and to help with blood flow. With this process we put cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction. This is a type of deep-tissue massage.
Electro Acupuncture
With electroacupuncture, we insert needles by hand and attached a device that generates electrical current. The current stimulates the needles which creates a deep-tissue massage.
Manual Therapy
With the help of Manual therapy, we can treat musculoskeletal pain and disability. This process involves kneading, joint mobilization and manipulation.
Initial Consultation: 1.5-2 hours - $145.oo
Tongue Evaluation, Pulse Diagnostics, Acupuncture treatment, Herbal Recommendations as appropriate, Cupping or Gua Sha as needed, Plan for course of treatment, Educational materials
Follow-Up Consultations: 1 hour - $95.oo
Tongue Evaluation, Pulse Diagnostics, Acupuncture treatment, Herbal Recommendations as appropriate, Cupping or Gua Sha as needed
New patient exam is 90 min,
Regular visit $100 and 60 min (allow 90 min)
New visits $100 $175, "new patient fees waived for limited time"